Spree another amateurish attempt at a play by Seldo Voss © 2003 Preface This is my second attempt at a play. Tthe first, called Silly Things, was submitted to Freshblood but rejected last year on the reasonable grounds that it was too difficult to stage as it required a cast of at least 14, mainly men. Spree has been written with Freshblood's constraints in mind: it requires a cast of five, four of whom are women, and there no very complex sound or visual effects (although there is always room for a creative director to include these). Spree is meant to be a comedy (Monty Python fans will recognize its heavy influence in a few places) and as such the plot is not particularly important. It follows a single very bad day in the life of one Jason Parti, who accidentally gets repeatedly caught up in a series of robberies in a crime spree by a pair of radical activists. There's slightly more to it than that, but I wouldn't want to spoil what few surprises there are. Running time is around an hour. As with my last attempt at writing for Freshblood, some significant caveats apply: I am not a writer, or even a student of theatre. I do computer science, and writing is strictly a hobby. As such, the play is likely to be rife with scenes which do not “work” in a play, such as actors remaining silent for too long or shifting position suddenly without any stage directions to indicate when they should have done so. Please bear this in mind when readinGILLIAN: I consider this to be the first draft of the play, to be edited and modified in light of the experience of the actors, the director, and the resources available. The form of the play is not set in stone – I can add scenes, take away scenes, change the ending, insert a dancing monkey, whatever you want – I'd just quite like to see Freshblood put on something that vaguely resembles a play that I wrote. I do not have a director or any other staff in mind, as I don't know any :-) I'd quite like to play Jason, but I suspect I do not have enough free time to do so and in any case there are probably much better actors than me around to do it. I can be contacted on 07971478119, or by email at freshblood@seldo.com (hey, I'm a geek). Cast of characters: Main characters: Jason Parti - Tense and stressed-out. Amanda Greaves - Enthusiastic police officer. Milly "Red Fox" - Dedicated but totally nuts. Wears red beret on top of balaclava. Gillian "San Joaquin Kit Fox" - Smarter than Milly but lets her lead. Slightly tired of her. Secondary characters: The sex of these characters is basically arbitrary. They are women because women are easier to cast for a student production, and they will probably be played by the same person given the usually-small cast sizes. It is relatively easy to change their names and sexes to suit the needs of the production. It was a little bit funnier for them all to be mad women, though :-) Sarah Adams: Auto rentals clerk Mary O'Neill: Stationery store proprietor (this character needs to be easily identifiable as Irish, Scottish or Welsh -- some nationality that the BNP would have no problem with, essentially) Scene 1: 3am on a street in London